The burrito lunch special in Mexico City in Los Burros de la Condesa |
Anything goes with burritos, so try this recipe (which I developed when jones-ing for a Qdoba 3-cheese burrito) or use it as a template for your favorite meats and salsas.
large (10-inch) flour tortillas
white rice
refried beans
steak, cut in thin strips
raw onion, diced
cilantro, chopped
cheese sauce (see 9/26 post)
(*all of the above should be warm or heated before assembly*)
salsa verde (see 2/16 post)
media crema, or sour cream
shredded Mexican cheese (see 8/1 post)
1 - Heat tortilla 20 seconds in the microwave or on a comal. (Be careful on the comal that it doesn't get crispy, or it will be difficult to fold up.)
2 - Add a scoop of rice to the center.
3 - Add a spoonful of beans and the strips of steak to the rice.
4 - Sprinkle on some raw onion and cilantro.
5 - Add the cheese sauce, salsa verde and media crema.
6 - Sprinkle on some additional shredded cheese.
7 - Now, for the fun part - trying to roll it up! Fold in two opposite sides so that they meet in the middle, or even better overlap. Then, fold the other sides in to the middle in the same way, and flip it over to sit on its seam. (This is not how the professionals do it, but with only a 10-inch burrito and the amount of filling that I put in, you pretty much got to do whatever you can to keep it closed.)
8 - Enjoy! (And although ideally it should be handheld, I recommend having a spoon nearby for any rogue filling that escapes.)
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