Monday, January 17, 2011

Mexican Hot Chocolate

mexican hot chocolate
In these cold, snowy days of January, nothing goes down better than a hot chocolate. Even in the comfort of a temperate Mexico City or trapped in a scorching hot summer in Veracruz, the weather is always right for chocolate in Mexico. (Although, I must agree that a nice mug would have been more apt for my frigid visit home to New Jersey last week.)

Mexican hot chocolate stands out for being made with a specific type of chocolate (not Swiss Miss) and having a slight cinnamon flavor. Chocolate is traditionally enjoyed with a bolillo, a crusty white roll, as a dunker, but it's also pretty fabulous with the completely un-Mexican addition of marshmallows. (I know; I'm such a gringa.)

1 quart whole milk
1 cinnamon stick
1/4 tsp. instant coffee granules
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
135g Mexican chocolate (or 1 1/2 tablets of Abuelita)


1 - In a medium pot over medium-low heat, bring the milk and the cinnamon stick to a simmer.

2 - Add vanilla.

3 - Rough chop the chocolate. Add the chocolate and the coffee. Lower the heat, and stir until the chocolate is completely melted.

4 - Pour the hot chocolate through a strainer to remove the bits of cinnamon stick.

5 - Serve hot (obviously) with a bolillo (or kaiser roll, if bolillos are unavailable in your neighborhood) or marshmallows.

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